Hey gang, the shadow man cometh…with his cat? Head to the Patreon page, then cast your votes! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Posts Tagged Clamor
Hey gang! All I can say is, good luck dude! Speaking of luck, make it my lucky day by hitting up the Patreon page! As always, cast your votes! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, there’s nothing like being scared and turned on at the same time! Get turned on to the Patreon page, then cast those votes! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, I think the ‘fit is going to hit the shan’ if you know what I mean. Go hit the Patreon page and then cast your votes! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, it looks like it’s on now! Speaking of now, now is a good time to head to the Patreon page, and don’t forget to vote! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, shadow boy better use some pretty words! Pretty soon, head to the Patreon page and get your vote in! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
#119 Stand Down
Hey gang, wheeew, that was a close one! Remember to head over to the Patreon page and show your love, then cast a vote for The Melvin Chronicles! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
#120 Line In The Sand
Hey gang, looks like little witch boy got told! Now, tell your friends about The Melvin Chronicles, and head over to the Patreon page! Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, I have to applaud B.J. for finding the silver lining in this situation. Help a creator out by lining the Patreon page with a little silver…then as always, cast your vote! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, looks like BJ’s got a new bag! New bag or old hat, head over to the Patreon page and share the love. Then go over and cast your vote! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, it seems like as soon as you are on ‘cloud 9’, some bitter ass-hat has to shoot a hole in it! GEEZ! Help me be on ‘cloud 9’ by heading over to the Patreon page, then casting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey gang, nothing like a creepy old house filled with hot cat girls to make you feel better… Make yourself feel better by heading over to the Patreon page and subscribing! Then, hit Top Web Comics to cast your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey Melvinauts, this post we are having a reader dedication pannel! Our lucky winner is TeeracK! Congrats lucky melvinaut, pannel two is dedicated to you and your desire to see cat butt! BACH-MANN hopes you enjoy the pannel. Keep[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
#130 Think About It
Hey gang, love is blind, it seems. However, don’t be blind to my plea! Head to the Patreon page, then cast your vote! Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Get Familiar!
Hey gang, Maggie here. The BACH-MANN is out of the studio this week. His day job is demanding more attention. 🙁 He will be back in the vault this Saturday. He didn’t leave without giving his faithful Melvinauts this smoking[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey gang, we’ve had some equipment failure down in the vault as of late. The new scanner is up and running! I realize that the imaging needs to be tweaked. We’re working on it. The BACH-MANN has been working hard[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey gang, it’s on. Let’s see how our combatants fare. Thank you all for your continued support. Things are tough down at the vault, but we’ll carry on. Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
#155 Crazy Bitch
#156 Booyah!
Hey gang, looks like this fight is coming to a close! Remember to vote and subscribe! Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, looks like that’s it. Settle your bets and talk your trash, the fight is over. Vote and Subscribe! Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, what are the strange numeric black-clad cronies up to? What is the sinister sounding plans of the lady caller? What makes #1’s hair stand up? Tune in next time for The Melvin Chronicles! Vote and Subscribe! […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
BJ’s not just blowing smoke about being a “New BJ”. Remember how Melvin unknowingly made him see how much of a creep he’s been? And for those who don’t recall, BJ felt a connection to Clamor, and she may have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We’re nearing the end of this little backstory arc, folks. We’ll soon be back to reality… or Hypnos. Or whatever.
200: For a Bright and Messy Future!
And what a messy future it appears to be! Sorry for another extended delay on this one. I only realized this week that the incoming milestone of 200 pages of my run on the Melvin Chronicles was approaching, and I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…