#118 Stand Off!
Hey gang, shadow boy better use some pretty words!
Pretty soon, head to the Patreon page and get your vote in!
Take care, MELVINAUTS!
Hey gang, shadow boy better use some pretty words!
Pretty soon, head to the Patreon page and get your vote in!
Take care, MELVINAUTS!
Looks like they know enough of Kazom to fear and respect him! Looks like even Clamor realized her mistake! Seems like some serious negotiations and or ass kissing are about to happen!
Looks more to me as if Lorion jumped in front of Clamor and she’s recoiling as she tries to avoid plowing into him. Or is getting bumped out of the way, and is surprised that he’d do that.
Lorion might not know the name Kazom, but he does recognize a Genie Lord when he sees one, and has the sense not to further antagonize him unnecessarily.
Yes, for a moment there I thought Mel was going to have to get the hose to break out the catfight.
Kinda still hoping for that, actually….
How many years is Kazom burning off his life right now? He’s going to have one king-hell headache when this is over.
Poor BJ, heels over head stunned by Clamor’s…armament. Good grief but she has big tits. I wonder if that’s Lorion’s preference, hers, or just the way things are?
Well, at least he got to finish one thought without being interrupted. And, Clamor just realized how deep the shit she almost stepped in goes.
“Mommy, Mommy, why are those two cats fighting?”
“They’re not fighting, they’re making out…”
Clamor does have a tendency to jump to the wrong conclusion and stick her foot in her mouth situation, doesn’t she? Gee, what would Clamor do without a cooler head, like Shadow Mage to help her out? And BJ say, hey guys, I am not a door! Stop running through me!
It would be nice to see a cat fight, but, at this point I don’t see one happening. The Shadow Mage is going to cool everything down now. There might be a few heated word yet, but, they will cool down from this point and start talking to each other. Beside Kazom does want to use is magic if he doesn’t have to, which he probably won’t have to.
Beg, little one’s… I like begging