Hey gang, we rejoin the guys as they head to the loft… Remember to cast your votes and head over to the Patreon page to show your love. *SPECIAL THANKS* to Simon! He just joined the subscribers! All[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged #4
#138 Looks Like Trouble
Hey gang, creepy vans in alley ways? I was going to say something about nice girls and ‘stranger danger’, but let’s face it, in this comic you never know. Anyhoo, I know some of you have a dollar burning[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
#148 Little Shit
Hey gang, it’s good to be back in the “vault.” Now, let’s get back to it, shall we? Vote and don’t forget to subscribe! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, looks like the chase is on! *SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MY NEW SUBSCRIBERS!* Remember to vote. Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
#150 Don’t Think So
Hey Gang, here it is. Enjoy. Cast those votes and please subscribe! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, Better late than never! Remember to vote and subscribe! ( PSST! Hey 50’s, there’s your props!) Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, Maggie here, The BACH-MANN’s doing double shifts again this week. However, he left this pic of #4 for you! Enjoy! Hugs and kisses, Maggie the Intern
Hey gang, we’ve had some equipment failure down in the vault as of late. The new scanner is up and running! I realize that the imaging needs to be tweaked. We’re working on it. The BACH-MANN has been working hard[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey gang, it’s on. Let’s see how our combatants fare. Thank you all for your continued support. Things are tough down at the vault, but we’ll carry on. Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
#156 Booyah!
Hey gang, looks like this fight is coming to a close! Remember to vote and subscribe! Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, looks like that’s it. Settle your bets and talk your trash, the fight is over. Vote and Subscribe! Take care MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Hey gang, what are the strange numeric black-clad cronies up to? What is the sinister sounding plans of the lady caller? What makes #1’s hair stand up? Tune in next time for The Melvin Chronicles! Vote and Subscribe! […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…