Hey gang, here he is! The Blue Djinn! MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now, head over to the Patreon page, then cast those votes! Take care, MELVINAUTS! BACH-MANN
Archive for eashiqa
The Dream is over, and the play is set. A new story is about to begin, and it will be Melvin and the gang’s first proper adventure! If Melvin messing with primordial magic wasn’t a scary thought already, looks like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
126: Subtlety is a Lost Art
Since it’s been a good while since we last saw Saachi, we at Rudd Productions thought a refresher might be in order: https://melvin.jeaniebottle.com/?comic=19-all-the-right-questions-and-then-some https://melvin.jeaniebottle.com/?comic=29-beware-the-quiet-ones And here’s reference to the date that Saachi is talking about: https://melvin.jeaniebottle.com/?comic=30-a-promise-is-a-promise And be sure to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
127: Fool Me Twice…
128: Try to Come Up With a More Rational Explanation
For those who don’t remember, Jeanie disguised herself as a little girl as part of a scheme to get Melvin and Holly together in order to restore her genie body.
129: I Foresee Further Troubles Ahead!
130: Eashiqa’s Plight
Eashiqa is so angry all the time. And I think she should have more respect for her elders. No matter how pervy they might be.
146: The Better Question Is: Who’s On the Other Side of That Call?
147: Accidental Info Dump
Ida has the talent to say just enough to get the attention of anyone who may be listening. Apologies for that extended break for the last few weeks, everyone. I fell very sick out of nowhere. Hopefully, the schedule will[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
148: Meddling Girls
149: So These Girls DO Have a Role!
150: Her Role to Play
158: Quite the Popular Store with the Ladies
159: So Much to Think About
160: Between a Dog and a Hard Place!
162: Quite the Humble Beginnings
Shame the movie… or the entire art of cinema for that matter, wasn’t available 800 years ago. It could have warned poor Dick of the price of Phenomenal Cosmic Powers! Also, as a special treat, today we have new piece[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
180: The “Cat Princess” Part is the Best Part!
181: Seems Like a Reasonable Guess
No one likes spoilers, especially spoilers regarding how you made up the whole story that was keeping you alive!
182: Goodbye, Mr Broidly…
209: Blind Spot
226: Into The Danger Zone
227: On a Short Leash
228: Pucker Up
229: A Mother’s Pride
Well well… I wonder how Mary’s doing that… And for those who don’t recall what Kazom is futilely trying to pry open, check out Panel 3 on Page 150.