And now for a look at the morning routine of Tiffany “Red” Thornton. Sorry for the late update. I got the dates mixed up.
Red's Room
It’s not easy having your world and identity thrown upside down. And that ends Red’s Dawn. Stay tuned for The Tournament! We’ve added a Top Web Comics voting link over there. <— If you like our comic, please[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
# 21 Red’s Tough Break, Part 2
Take your medicine! We’re at 164 on Top Web Comics, but we can do better. Remember to vote and thanks to all those who have and continue to vote for The Melvin Chronicles!
# 23 Scuttlebutt part deux
Hey kids, hope you enjoy! Please remember to vote for Melvin and the gang! And remember kiddies, always read the directions!
# 24 Effects and Affects
Hey Kids, we had been up over 300 votes before Kinko’s shenanigans. We appreciate all the support. Let’s rally together and change our placement from 1,000,000 😉 to somewhere on the second or third page. To our have been,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Red’s First Steps: Page 01
And we’re back! Sortof. While Carlos continues to write the buffer for the main storyline, which is unfortunately taking longer than expected, we wanted to get back into the groove of actually providing content again. So here’s a flashback arc[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Red’s First Steps: Page 06
And as Red prepares for her first day at Southeil to begin, we here at The Melvin Chronicles also prepare… Because next week, the main story finally continues! The hiatus is over! Read the details here: Follow Red’s First[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Red’s First Steps: Page 07
Here’s where we left off Red’s little origin story. Though, we are also looking even further back, not just back to her first steps, but to her very first night! And finally re-introducing her father back into the story, in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…