Red’s First Steps: Page 01
And we’re back! Sortof.
While Carlos continues to write the buffer for the main storyline, which is unfortunately taking longer than expected, we wanted to get back into the groove of actually providing content again. So here’s a flashback arc showing Red’s first day at Southeil Academy! It’s an important milestone that we had not yet seen, and this will be a good opportunity to more properly introduce the Southeil cast.
Wow, Mary looks more like Reds sister in this comic rather then her mother.
In her line of work, that’s very much the whole point. But seriously though, how old can she really be?
As an artistic note, my designs tend to be closer to those of CD’s than Batchman, if possible, or a mix of the two most of the time.
Depends on how old Tiffany is, but my guess is mid-to-late-40s, at least. Any younger, and she’d’ve not had much of a modeling career, I think.
Well, Tiffany is 16 years old and people generally graduate when there 18 or 19 years old. If we add them together we get 34 or 35. So the youngest that Mary could probably be assuming that she graduated from high school before she got married and had children would be about 35 or 36 years old. But, if we assume that she could have waited a few years before she got married, then it could be anywhere between 35 to 45 years old. 45 years old is where He Who Abides guess is to how old Mary is.
Does anybody else want to make a guess as to how old Mary is.
@Larry – technically, my range is 44-48 years old for Mary’s age.
That’s assuming that she’s not some sort of fey, genie, or other spirit creature that went “native” to marry her husband and bear his child; if that is the case, then my guess is “dunno, you tell me”.
I’ve heard that Bianca Lawson (back-up Slayer Kendra from B:tVS, and a lot of other stuff) played seventeen year olds for seventeen years. So such youthful appearance isn’t exactly unkown in the so-called “Real World”.
Gove? or Groove? Still funny when you read it. Anyway glad to see an update.
The Grove at Anaheim. It’s a music venue, mostly, some comedy. This comic is set in Southern California, right? ^_^
Yup, I meant groove. Thanks for the correction.
Man, someone has got to get Tiffany out of that house. At least until her parents realize how much worse they made everything.
Really cold toilet seat?
Glad to see new content, and this was a good one, funny to me if terrifying to Tiffany.
Mom would be 40-44 tops unless she had a long modeling career.
@Carlos and Robert: you made a mistake on the date. today is 9/9/19, not 9/5/19.
Oh, it was 9-5 when this was posted. I did announce it the best I could on the shared Discord CD has set up for all the comics we have, but I was aware not all the readers are part of it, so I asked CD and Robert to give a little shout out to this little story on the latest JB page, before posting the next part of the story later this week.
oh. sorry bout that.
Melvin Chronicles goes up on Thursdays, and this has been up since last Thursday.
I see. sorry for the mixup.
Love the cute bedhead. 😛
I see now why she took a felt-tipped pen and added an “Anti-” to her princess t-shirt before we saw her appear for the first time in the comic. I like how her hair is slightly darker than her mother’s to take her father’s brown hair into account. I doubled checked on that by looking at IDOaJB 188 which is a sort of epilogue to the original Melvin story in CD’s comic. I was thinking he was blond at first then raven-haired so I had to check, both were wrong.
Looking forward to seeing tomorrow’s comic and seeing who he meets first of the Southeil cast.
So is she still abusing and a drunk?