BJ, or Boyd Johnson, thinks himself the ladies man. He couldn't be more wrong, but that doesn't stop him from trying to woo the fairer sex when he can.
Holly is Melvin's crush. After the genie incident, Holly is aware that Melvin likes her, but there is a little too much strangeness surrounding Melvin and his friends for Holly's liking.
I hope we get a flashback to explain what’s going on. Though based on what we’re seeing, I’m guessing BJ and Saachi set up this double date without checking with Holly or Melvin?
Not going to lie, I have seen Holly’s reaction (or rather, something pretty similar) in another webcomic, but there it was because one character starts dating another character’s crush. It’s a lot funnier here.
About panel 4. The old saying is true-Hxxx hath no fury like a woman. She doesn’t really have to be scorned, just mad. Not that I have realized that my two favorite cartoon series are both Canadian, what is the chances of Melvin and the gang getting cameos on Total Drama Island?
‘timeline where’, you mean.;) Still, loving the update.:D
Or “timeline when”. That’s always an option with time travel.
Thanks. Fixed.
If this is how Holly reacts when she has a date with Melvin, then I hate to see how she would react if he asked her to marry him….
And yes, its always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.
I suspect Saachi’s the one who made that plan for her. Melvin should be safe.
From Holly, anyway.
Isn’t Saachi into girls?
@Tom Sewell – Tiff’s going to be there too (according to BJ, at least).
Don’t go yet. You’ve gotta use that frog curse on Saachi as payback for humiliating you!
Okay probably not, but I can dream.
And what a great comic for Valentine’s Day!
I hope we get a flashback to explain what’s going on. Though based on what we’re seeing, I’m guessing BJ and Saachi set up this double date without checking with Holly or Melvin?
Not going to lie, I have seen Holly’s reaction (or rather, something pretty similar) in another webcomic, but there it was because one character starts dating another character’s crush. It’s a lot funnier here.
If Saachi can talk she can breathe just fine.
Took me a couple passes through to remember who “Clarence” was. Now I’m wondering who the “date” is.
Probably Saachi. I suspect she and BJ set this whole thing up while Holly and Melvin were brainlocked at the end of the last chapter.
Saachi, obviously. Saachi has a crush on Red, remember?
I bet that Saachi is thinking, “This is still worth it!”
Is this a mutual flashback between Holly and Melvin or is this one of the dreams that Kazom is navigating?
Edit: never mind, Melvin wouldn’t know about Holly’s reaction in the last panel.
About panel 4. The old saying is true-Hxxx hath no fury like a woman. She doesn’t really have to be scorned, just mad. Not that I have realized that my two favorite cartoon series are both Canadian, what is the chances of Melvin and the gang getting cameos on Total Drama Island?
Late acknowledgement of the Valentine’s image, but nice.
And because someone has to say it, Kaz oughta turn around and start running the ol’ Evinrude, if ya catch my drift. I’m sure Nellah won’t mind.
The smartest thing, that Melvin can do at this point, is to tell Holly the truth. But that doesn’t seem likely at this point, because teenagers.