Holly is Melvin's crush. After the genie incident, Holly is aware that Melvin likes her, but there is a little too much strangeness surrounding Melvin and his friends for Holly's liking.
Red was a boy until a new genie tried to get Melvin a girlfriend. That's when the genie turned Red into a girl so Melvin could practice talking to girls, and forgot to turn her back before disappearing. Red is hopeful that her situation is only temporary.
If her uncle is a Witch Hunter, then claiming to be one would give Kahim some credibility in Holly’s eyes. Kahim’s mission—seize the alleged source of all Witches’ magic—even seems like a plausible “Special Op” for a Hunter team.
Lets hope there’s no real, positive, and close connection between Holly and “Uncle Freddy”. It’s been established that he doesn’t give a damn about his family. Even if he gets what he wants he’s willing to abandon one of his family members unconscious on the sidewalk if they didn’t quite measure up to his standards. “Uncle Freddy” is most likely a narcissistic, sociopathic ***hole. And the rest of his spawn are probably the same. Except the abandoned one.
So is Uncle Reggie just some crack pot or is he also involved in a magical community? Perhaps we will eventually find out Holly knows something about the magical community too.
I believe that Reggie showed up a long time ago (comic-wise) chasing around after Melvin, Red & BJ. They sort of lost him, but at the time we didn’t know that he was Holly’s uncle. That puts a new level of complication on things.
Holly comes from a family of witch hunters. Melvin sure knows how to pick ’em. But if #1 truly is Holly’s “Uncle Reggie”‘ family, why didn’t Holly recognize the “weird MIB guy” as her cousin Ronnie?
I like how the comic emphasizes how big Tiffany is by having her bust actually hang past the border. Really sells that Holly thinks of them as grabbing all the attention.
I think there may be an error in Panel 7. Shouldn’t “save Ms. Smythe”, be “safe, Ms. Smythe”? Also, a comma after “safe”, would seem to be in order.
Uncle Reggie isn’t gonna be happy about Holly’s love interests, that’s for sure.
On the plus side, the witch hunter subplot may come back. Finally!
If her uncle is a Witch Hunter, then claiming to be one would give Kahim some credibility in Holly’s eyes. Kahim’s mission—seize the alleged source of all Witches’ magic—even seems like a plausible “Special Op” for a Hunter team.
Unless Holly thinks her uncle is crazy and doesn’t believe his screwball stories about witches.
Lets hope there’s no real, positive, and close connection between Holly and “Uncle Freddy”. It’s been established that he doesn’t give a damn about his family. Even if he gets what he wants he’s willing to abandon one of his family members unconscious on the sidewalk if they didn’t quite measure up to his standards. “Uncle Freddy” is most likely a narcissistic, sociopathic ***hole. And the rest of his spawn are probably the same. Except the abandoned one.
I’m surprised Holly knew what that badge was, let alone reveal a part of her family history.
Well, she is a bit disoriented from the possession and getting hit by whatever that spell of Kahin was meant to do.
So is Uncle Reggie just some crack pot or is he also involved in a magical community? Perhaps we will eventually find out Holly knows something about the magical community too.
I believe that Reggie showed up a long time ago (comic-wise) chasing around after Melvin, Red & BJ. They sort of lost him, but at the time we didn’t know that he was Holly’s uncle. That puts a new level of complication on things.
Holly comes from a family of witch hunters. Melvin sure knows how to pick ’em. But if #1 truly is Holly’s “Uncle Reggie”‘ family, why didn’t Holly recognize the “weird MIB guy” as her cousin Ronnie?
Maybe she didn’t know what he looked like? I’ve got distant cousins that I’ve never met.
I can confirm that some decisions taken here, are based on my personal relationship with some branches of my family, or lack of, to be precise.
Well, Holly doesn’t recognise Melvin. And she seriously doesnt like Tiffany.
Well, she doesn’t really know Tiffany, except by reputation. I think.
They “meet” properly during the timeskip. Even back then, Holly wasn’t specially fond of Red.
So, Holly has a photographic mammary?
ROTFL. Yeah, but the shots come out best when she uses flash boobs.
I like how the comic emphasizes how big Tiffany is by having her bust actually hang past the border. Really sells that Holly thinks of them as grabbing all the attention.