Well hello again, everyone. Robert, here!
Welcome back to The Melvin Chronicles! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Without further ado, I’d like to introduce our new artist and writer: Carlos! You may recognize his art style, as he’s the fan-artist who created those lovely Natalie pics we posted on the Jeanie Bottle site a few months back. He hails from down South America way, and has all kinds of great ideas for where to take the series from here. I hope you all give him a warm welcome.
By the way, you can click the comic to see it at full size. We’re still working out the CSS to make it work well for the new comic format.
Yes! Oh Yes, it’s alive! I am so happy to see some movement again, I hope that this do mean the plot will be moving again. And, Melvin just be quiet about that or things might get dark for you soon.
Thanks and Good Luck. Welcome Carlos, it’s my wish that you get great enjoyment from creating this comic
Oh, we might actually get some non-filler comics soon!
wait, what exactly is the “normal” Red talks about?
Probably “being a guy”.
Or having her woo woos back to full size?
Oh, no, that’s already happened. As you can see in panel 3.
That development will be explained in the upcoming pages.
Well then, I’m certain that we’re all looking forward to a recounting of what happened after the camera broke.
And I hope that this lands in the right place in the queue.
So, is there a time skip involved? And was Carlos given access to BACH-MANN’s notes for the story or just blazing his own trail? Inquiring minds want to know!
@He Who Abides:
That will be answered on Thursday.
Okay. It’s been almost a year, I can wait a few more days.
Welcome back.^^
Huzzah! Was this what the creepy peeking Kazom thing was for on JB? Great to see the Melvin gang is back! Thanks, Carlos!
> Was this what the creepy peeking Kazom thing was for on JB?
Yes, it was meant as a hint that there was something new to see here. The official announcement of MC’s return will be in Tuesday’s Jeanie Bottle page.
I have a question how much, if any, of the original character plans will be transitioned into the story?
Welcome back Melvin. It’s been a while.
My best wishes and whatever support I can give to Carlos. I know a bit about what he’s getting into. (Part of why I decided not to try my hand on this strip, however much I like it.)
Oh, good. If I hadn’t seen a creeping Kazon over at Jeanie Bottle it might’ve been awhile before I caught on that you were back. Good luck.
That’s why today’s JB has the big announcement. The creeping Kazom was mostly meant as a hint to the more hardcore fans who’d check out this site after they noticed him.
Welcome Back!
The Kazom popup was a welcome sight I must say, glad the comic’s back from the dead! =3
And just today I was thinking of deleting this site from my bookmarks.
Genial alguien de Sudamérica
me gusta el estilo del dibujo
mucho éxito en el webcomic
Gracias! Soy un gran fan de tu trabajo, por lo que significa mucho para mi que te guste mi estilo de dibujo!
So, this Thursday we will post the second part of this announcement with my actual statement in regards my new role as the artist and writer of the comic, but for now I want to thank all of you so far for your positive reaction, your feedback, and your good wishes, they mean a lot to me!
Don’t take this the wrong way. I am most pleased this story will continues. And I am sure I will warm up to your art style when I see more of it.
I am just sad Bachh-man could not continue as I highly enjoyed his art style for this series.
I wish you well in making this comic shine again.
I hope you do my creation proud. There were many stories that I wanted to see happen that didn’t or got corrupted by Bachmann. If you are curious about what those stories were, let me know and I will share. Have fun with the gang, they really are a lot of fun to write for. 😉
una duda que tengo. Red tiene los ojos verdes o los tiene cafe? en este webcomic siempre la pusieron de ojos verde pero en el dibujo que realizo cdrudd de la pandilla sale de ojos cafe
Los ojos de Red son oficialmente verdes, es cierto que CD realizo en su día un dibujo especial donde les dio un color cafe, pero desde el inicio del comic sus ojos siempre han sido representados de color verde y si bien no puedo compartirlo, he visto arte oficial hecho por CD de Red con los ojos verdes.
Desconozco el motivo detrás del cambio de color, pero a estas alturas Red es mejor conocida por sus ojos verdes, así que decidí conservarlos así.
me parece muy bien, tu etilo leda como ese toque juvenil que representan este trió
pd: falta la versión en español
I can’t believe this! It’s not dead!