Red´s First Steps: Page 22
Having friends is a good thing. Having (sexy) friends with influence on arkane politics is even better!
EDIT: OK, Robert has had a chance to go over the page, now, so the grammar should be all fixed up.
Having friends is a good thing. Having (sexy) friends with influence on arkane politics is even better!
EDIT: OK, Robert has had a chance to go over the page, now, so the grammar should be all fixed up.
Panel 6: determine. Panel 7: to be, not tobe. Panel 8: SEES.
p.s., Southeil expelled Mary? wonder what she did to cause that screw up.
You mean Beside getting pregnant with Clarence when she was in Southeil high. Don’t know. But, for Mary to convince them to go for her plan, she must have done some real campaigning and stomping around to convince them that it would be a good thing for them to do this. Maybe she told them that Clarence was Melvin friend. I am just guessing now as to why they may have decided to do this for Mary.
Panel 2:to handle all THESE matters
Powerful friends can do a lot of things and that magi that did this to Clarence is some one to look into. They would look into Reds friends to see how this could have happened.
Panel 6: “You are a Walsh women now” mixes singular and plural; it should be either “a Walsh woman” or something like “one of the Walsh women”; the former is easier to fix in the text block
It should also be “whatever Ellie sees in you” instead of “whatever Ellie see in you.”
Grammar issues aside it could be good news for Red on the psychological front if he can convince himself that Ellie sees and accepts the real Red (i.e. Clarence) beyond the surface.
What exactly is a “Walsh” woman? I don’t remember anyone or anything named “Walsh”.
Walsh is Mary’s maiden name, and apparently the name of her witch clan.
If Lazarra is the second heir to the Azure, isn’t Melvin the first heir now? Gee, ya think maybe Lazarra wants to get her hands on Melvin for something other than his best interests?
Wait. When was Lazarra said to be that?
In her Character bio. Hover your mouse over her little portrait under the comic (or tap it on a phone… I think), and you’ll see a short bio on her. Same for the other characters who appear in each page.
Lazarra is in love with Mary.