233: He Was There Just for the Show, Wasn’t He?
Kahin is such a perv…
Kahin is such a perv…
A lot of you were curious as to how the time traveling shenanigans of Jeanie could lead this events on the MC. What went wrong (or right, depending of who you ask) on this timeline? What could put Melvin and Red against each other? How did Clarence even become a girl in this timeline? What lead to this moment? And why the in God’s Name is Kazom so buff?! Well, at first those questions were meant to remain unanswered, with Janie just going back to mess with the timeline once again, and all that. But you guys wanted those answers, and I wanted to draw more of Evil Tiffany, so, I present to you the Melvin Chronicles: RE-Chronicled! A mini arc, detailing the events of this mysterious timeline, starting next week, over at my Patreon, for all members of the Scarlet Avenger Tier, with some small extras and bonus available for the other tiers! I hope you enjoy it! Not like your new Dark Mistress would allow for anything else!
Well guys, it was an interesting “break”. I got some jobs done, I opened myself to commissions and started some new projects on my patreon, and worked up a large buffer for MC… some of which is not even done yet, but I have so much of the script done! Not to mention storyboard! None the less, with my schedule mostly free now, and some weeks worth of comics ready to go, I think it’s finally time to resume our regular schedule!
So, starting next week, we return to the main story on our bi weekly schedule, with pages coming out on both Tuesdays and Thursdays! Some interesting things are coming, and I am really looking forward to sharing them with you! And if you are invested in the missadventures of Red on her first day of school don’t worry. This storyline will continue in the near future, either as a filler series for emergencies, or as a between-chapter mini series. So even if I am able to keep the schedule, everything goes fine for me, and never need a filler, ever again (and I also find a unicorn while I’m at it), you can expect to know more of this little story in the future! I hope you enjoy them as much as I love making them!
I thank you all for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the ride!
Hey guys, I have an announcement to make, though it is not a good one. As I’m sure most of you may have noted, there have been a lot of delays recently for the pages each week, not to mention the fact that I haven’t been able to go back to the old schedule of two pages per week as I wanted.
To tell the truth, this has been a product of many different factors, some of them outside my own control, like the blackouts my country endured some months back, or the serious issues with my Internet connection that I still suffer from. Though I still take part of the blame in regards how I’ve failed to manage my own schedule recently. The point being, I haven’t been able to work my buffer back up, and most weeks I have to rush the page to get it ready in time. In addition, I have other projects I have to work on, to which I just recently added the Patreon, which has become a surprisingly important part of my daily life, so I can’t afford to disregard it. Yet the Patreon is meant to support the comic, which means that disregarding the comic in its favor defeats the whole purpose. Not to mention, outside both the main comic or the Patreon, I really need to take time to develop some ways to promote them both. And when it comes down to it, this new schedule, alongside the problems I mention before, have finally gotten to me.
So, what am I going to do? Well, the Melvin Chronicles will enter a short hiatus, maybe a month or two, though this will not be a break. In that time, I intend to work my buffer back up to a decent level. The pages will continue to be made, but will not be published until I have enough of a buffer to work at ease, both on the comic, and on other projects. In that time, I hope to also be able to publish other content more frequently, both on Patreon and publicly, but I don’t intend to let this take over my work on the new pages either. It’s just a compromise to the ones that support me on Patreon, and also a way to keep contact with all of you, and maybe promote my work, and the Chronicles, in the process.
You can follow the new content I publish on my DA page, and if you want to keep updated in regards the state of the comic and its return to schedule, I recommend that you join CD Rudd’s Discord, where MC has its official channel. Due to my time zone, I am not especially active there, but I will answer any concerns you have for the comic over there, both during and after the hiatus.
I am really sorry for the problems, and I hope to get the schedule back in shape really soon. I hope you enjoy the other content for the time being, and don’t forget, either from Discord, DA, the comments of this very post, or my personal mail (hollumdusk@gmail.com), feel free to share your questions for the comic. I will do my best to respond. Thank you for your patience.
Hey guys, just wanted to leave a little announcement for whoever is interested. Recently at my Patreon I just started making polls for many subjects, mostly for fan art, pin ups and such, but there will also being some polls regarding some minor aspects of the Mc, like in this case, the name of this mysterious familiar on Ms- Annin’s hands.
The cat was out of the bag (pun totally intended) very much since her re introduction, still, even though she is an old character, the true is that I was never given a name for her, and I haven’t developed enough to have strong feelings for the character yet, so I thought it would be fun to leave the choice of her name to the readers who have join my patreon as a thank you for their support. If any of you is interested on have a said of this matter, you can check the page to see if you think it’s worth the price. I insist, the polls regarding the MC are for minor subjects, so don’t feel pressure to join, but still, if you feel interested, remember you can also vote for future pieces of art regarding the MC cast!
Hi guys! Carlos here, with an announcement. As the title says, I decided to start a Patreon! The truth is, a Patreon was something that was always on my mind, even before I started working on the Melvin Chronicles, but I was hoping to develop a stronger presence online before doing so. However, due to Patreon’s plans to change its policies for creators this May, I decided to open my page now, before things got unnecessarily complicated. My Patreon is a work in progress with not much going on at the moment, and just a one dollar tier for now.
Currently, the perks of being a patron are 48 hours of early access to any extra artwork that I make, including the monthly “Red’s Portfolio” images that I create. I plan to make almost all my content public eventually, either here or on my Deviant Art page, but I also plan to share some exclusive extras over on the Patreon every so often (like high-res pinups out of the pages of MC), and add some fun tiers in the future.
As I said, it’s a work in progress, and the content updates will be slow at first. But if you are interested in supporting my work and the comic, please give it a look. It has some fun extras from our favorite Fairy Stooges already, as well as an update for Easter, and a veteran of the MC cast will make her debut there in the new style later this week! Again, all this content is meant to be open to the public sooner than later, but I promise to expand what’s available for anyone willing to give their support!
And still, I am already thankful to you all for following the Chronicles, so don’t feel pressured to join the Patreon unless you think it’s really worth it to you. Simply by following my work, you are already doing a lot for me!