Hello everyone, Carlos here with some updates.
First of all, I want to express how grateful I am for your reception of the comic so far. The last two months since the relaunch have been a huge learning experience for me, being my first public story and such, and your growing feedback on each page have meant a lot to me. The reception to the new art style, and the story so far has been a lot more positive than what I could have hoped for.
I’m also exited to announce that we are finally reaching the end of our first story chapter in the new run. As you could have guessed, this “Back into the Groove” chapter was meant as quick reintroduction to our story and characters, setting up what has changed with our cast during the timeskip. But even though we still have some fan favorites left to meet like Ida, Clamour, and even Liam (we are not gonna judge you, Liam fans), with our main cast back in the spotlight, it’s time to wrap up this little reintroduction and finally move forward with the plot. So look forward to the next chapter of The Melvin Chronicles, starting soon.
With that said, and as exited as I am to start the new story, I have important news to share, and unfortunately, you may not like it, but I assure it’s nothing to worry about. For the nest three to four months our schedule will be reduced from two pages per week to one page per week. The reason it simple, recently I was presented with the opportunity to visit some family in Houston during the holidays from mid December to mid January. This my first big trip in long time. For that reason, having to prepare for the trip, and my need to take some extra jobs to save some money, I won’t have the time to create as much of a buffer as I would like. None the less, during this month I will work hard to get as many pages done as possible.
So, to avoid leaving the story on hiatus once again, we will spread the schedule out to a single update per week starting this month, in the hopes of saving up enough of a buffer to get through the end of my trip. I really wish I could get all the pages needed for the upcoming months ready, but as I said, I still need to prepare for this trip and get some work done, and I prefer to present high quality pages for the coming months, rather than a bunch of rushed ones.
None the less, I will continue to work on sketching and writing the story during my trip, and if a get the right equipment to work with, I may even be able to create some extras. Once I get back in January, we will work hard to bring the schedule back to two comics per week as soon as possible!
And on the subject of extra pics, if you have enjoyed the art on the new pages so far, as well as some of our extras like the Warmallet Poster, our recently published Halloween pic, and all the fan art shared back at Jeanie Bottle, I would like to introduce you to my humble Deviant Art page. I haven’t given made too much use of it so far, but from now on I will start publishing some extra content for the Melvin Chronicles over there, alongside some personal art, and I intend to soon be open for commission. As some of you may remember for the announcement two months back, I work as a freelance artist and animator, and with this trip coming, I have been in need of taking some extra jobs. So if you are interested, once commissions are open you can contact me at hollumdusk@gmail.com.
Again, I am really sorry for this coming slow down on our schedule, but I promise to keep in touch on the site and provide as many updates as I can, as well as some fun extras. Not to mention that some exiting things are coming in our story pretty soon! We are finally catching up with the lives of our characters, after all, but now it’s time to learn a little of the lore of the Chronicles!
Like with our first announcement, please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments. Please share your feedback in regards our current story and what you think of the the changes we are making to the story and characters, like if there is something you guys feel is missing or still needs some addressing from the previous run. And which characters yet to be reintroduce are you most exited to see again? Please let me know in the comments, as well as anything you think that may need some improvement, either for me and our current run, or the original run. Remember, this is still a learning experience for me, and I am open to all your feedback! Also, please share anything you may want to see as an extra in the future. Even if it’s tagged as filler, that doesn’t mean these extras won’t be relevant to the story; they may help fill some of the missing gaps either on our recent timeskip or the backstory of some of our cast!
That’s all the news we have for now. We will make sure to share with you any news in regards our schedule in the future, so thanks for your patience!