Red’s Revenge
Thanks to Andy Santos who is chipping in and helping Bach-mann with a donation pic.
I’ll be posing images and comics by fans and fellow artists randomly in order to help keep the site active till Bach-mann is able to return.
Thanks to Andy Santos who is chipping in and helping Bach-mann with a donation pic.
I’ll be posing images and comics by fans and fellow artists randomly in order to help keep the site active till Bach-mann is able to return.
Well, that pic makes it seem that there was a rebound from Melvin’s spell and it inflated Red’s figure more than she lost.
That WOULD explain why she’s angry at the two of them–at Melvin for goofing up, and at B.J. for getting pervy about it.
And or there could be a serious PMS issue here, where a women get seriously bitchy, because of hormones imbalance.
You know Larry, that is a F***ing stereotypical response given by most men. Why does it have to be PMS? Can’t a woman be pissed off just the same as a man or is a man being a typical Testosterone douche when he’s in a fight?
Aside from all *that* it IS a very nice picture. 🙂
Thank you for posting and such a hot topic too
I am hopeful that The Melvin Chronicles will be returning soon. Wishing you the best as far as the job front goes and health to you and yours.
Has Red ever played a Druid? I asked since Red mentioned Rangers, and according to my more limited knowledge Druids are more overpowered Rangers.
They’re nature-based divine spellcasters, like a cleric but with more of a theme to their spells and a permanent pet that gets more powerful each level; they can also shapeshift into animals and, at high levels, elementals. Rangers are more combatants with abilities that focus on tracking and outdoor activities; they also get a pet and a few spells, but neither is a huge focus of the character. Hope this helps.
where’s the update?
I hope things get better for you Bachman!
“Move that hand or LOSE it, Melvin!”