125: To Be Fair, Red’s Smile is a Rare Sight
on January 15, 2022
at 4:42 AM
Chapter: Journey to the Cave of Wonders
Characters: Patrica Stockman, Tiffany "Red" Thornton
Location: Southeil Academy
Apologies for the lateness of this post. It all comes down to Robert snoozing on the couch for too long after work today. Or, yesterday, at this point…
I am getting a real “Down the Rabbit Hole ” vibe for this story ark for Red. That she will have to make some real choices about her life before the end.
Patricia: “What a dreadful omen!”
Elan (Order of the Stick): “Dun dun DUN!”
Me thinks the lady protests too much, ” It’s not a date”. She is happy that she might get her original form back, and /or she is going to be with a powerful young man who is willing to risk and do anything for her.
I think that Tiffany still kind of like the idea of going back to being a boy even now, she been a girl for about a year now. Being a girl for that long, I can see some impact that it has had on how she responds to people around her, especially Patricia when she hugged her in the last post. I am not saying that we guys won’t hug each other, but, as freely as Tiffany hugged Patricia in the last post, is something that is definitely a girl thing and not a guy thing.
Guys in current American society are told that hugging a man leads to being accused of homosexuality, while hugging a woman or child uninvited leads to being accused of being a sexual predator. The only people it is “safe” to hug without being accused of something are family, and even then only if the audience watching you know that it’s family and you’re not just hugging/grabbing some kid who isn’t your own. Apparently men can not touch other people without malicious or sexual intent being assumed.
I’m with Patricia on this one. my Inner Wolf’s got a bad feeling about this.
I’m sorry – what’s the omen?
Whoosh. I forgot the H.
A less total result to turning Red back may result in a split were there is two of them, one a girl and the other a boy.
Where is clamor?
Still in custody of the Imposition (The Men in Black). That storyline was started before my time on the comic, so I am still figuring out how to handle it, but don’t worry, some ideas are already in the works.
I would take care of the current back story with Red and have thing blow up in Melvin face in the present time when it come to turning Red or Tiffany back into a guy. It not a good idea to get too many irons into the fire at one time. Once you got everything kind of cleaned up a bit, then do another back story to save Clamor. The capture of Clamor happened about one or two month after Clarence turned into a girl and became Tiffany. Melvin trying to turn Tiffany back is happening almost a year later after he became a she.
@Carlos, when are ready to do the Clamor issue, may I make a few suggestions:
1. Have the girl that they deserted get pissed off that they left her out to dry and that she is the one that find Melvin and crew and tell them what happened and that Clamor got captured by the men in black and that how they find out about her capture.
2. She the one that tell them where there holding Clamor and help them liberate her too.
3. BJ is trying to play being Mister Macho saving the girl in distress kind of thing.
4. The girl hijacks her old flying motorcycle and BJ hijacks another flying motorcycle and chase seen is on to try and recapture Clamor.
5. BJ is chased into the hotel district and throw the flying motorcycle into dumpster to hid from the men in black and take Clamor into a hotel room for the night.
6. He fishes out the flying motorcycle the next day after the men in black have given up the chase or they figure that Clamor has gotten away and then BJ turns Clamor lose to go back where she came from.
7. This is optional, BJ accidentally Knocked Clamor up during the night and now she pregnant too. She cat familiar, she was going through heat. You would not actually show the business that was done that got Clamor pregnant, but, we would find later that it actually happened. I would make her a Cat Girl named Kitty complete with cat ears and tail on her and she resemble BJ to a T except she in a female body instead of male body.
You would not want to stir this pot until until you finish doing what your doing with Tiffany.
Just a suggestion.