# 77 I Spy With My Little Eye…A Plan.
on January 27, 2016
at 7:46 PM
Hey kids, I know you all have been waiting, so here we go!
Thank you again for patience, contributions, and your votes! Remember, more is better. 🙂
BACH-MANN & Shhadow
Melvin: What? What’s your plan? You’re only saying “spss spss spss” in my ear!
She’s offering to trade her friend for one of his, right? Like that nice redheaded kid who disappeared a month or more ago?
Orrr … maybe she’s interested in current redhead she’s seen Melvin hanging around with.
Mark my words. This will not end well.
Which of course means it will end deliciously.
The sneaky look on Melvin’s face says it all.
Nice use of kino there, Saachi. That little bit of physical intimacy can deeply warp the mind of a nerdboy like Melvin.
Melvin either likes the plan, or has some idea how to put his own spin on it. We shall see.
Melvin has a cute girl whispering in his hear.
A cute girl who has been making Eyes at ‘im and touching his chest.
Melvin cannot possibly be operating at a high enough level to spin much of anything on the fly.
Whatever it is, it’s clever enough for Melvin.
Well, we all know what Malvin want out of this deal, which is Holly. But, what does Saachi want out of this deal? We have four possibilities here. She wants girl Red or when she use to be a boy or BJ or she trying to get Melvin, which will make another kind of mess to work through or there could be some kind of confusion of it being one or more of the above.
One thing is for sure is that Saachi is really sneaky and a real planner to get what she want and poor Melvin going to get caught up in her trap big time.
Oh no it’s the squinty eyes of evil! As long there is no finger pyramid of doom this might still end well.