Filler: I Dream of Red
After all the lovely work he’s done for Jeanie Bottle, Hachimitsu-Ink has now also graced Melvin Chronicles with this lovely art! What do you guys think?
After all the lovely work he’s done for Jeanie Bottle, Hachimitsu-Ink has now also graced Melvin Chronicles with this lovely art! What do you guys think?
Well she might be stuck as a girl for good now that she is a genie, but at least her parents are set for life now….
The only question is, how will Melvin and the others take this news? And will she try to get back at Jeanie now that she is one of them?
Is it weird that I always kind of figured Red would turn out to be half-genie since this comic started? Also, day-um she fine!
Now I’m hungry… Actually she makes a beautiful Genie and Melvin’s ‘Majik’ can no longer touch her. Remember though, Assume cosmic powers, itty bitty little living space.
He who abides is correct though, DAY-UM she’s fine.
Just how comfortable would an outfit like that be?
I just asked, and according to the missus, it’s “ask me to wear that and I’ll cut your dick off”. So, there you go.
@Robert – yeah, apparently she did that for a Halloween costume some years ago and it did not go well.
For mortal human, not much. For magic genie, it might feel completely natural and totally comfortable.
… actually, even for mortal human there is no limit on how weird can comfortable magic clothes look. There may be invisible padding or those metal bits are magically levitating few millimeters from your skin without touching it anywhere, for example.
If an armor like this can stop arrow aiming directly at her belly button, being comfortable is easy compared to that.
Just don’t try it without magic.
A Red, War Hammer, Genie.
Clarence doesn’t get any breaks 🙂
Ouch, that looks painful. Metal is not an appropriate substance to make clothing out of.
Nice artwork, though.
She’s a genie, so I’m guessing that outfit is part of her magic. I’m sure it’s perfectly comfortable… for her. If, say, Holly ever tried it on? Probably not so much.
Uncomfortable? Well, if you look closely, you’ll see that some of the “armor” is floating above her skin.
Also, notice that the crown symbol on Red’s “Anti-Princess” tee has been reproduced in the piece hanging between her breastplates.
Hah, I hadn’t noticed that! Nice touch, Hachi!
For all we know, those metal bits can be lined with fleece or enchanted to feel like the finest satin and never chaff the wearer.
She looks beautiful.
It’s not the lining that’s the issue; it’s the edges. Skin flexes, metal doesn’t, and when a skin fold gets trapped next to a metal edge – ouch. It’s known as an “armor bite”. Things like gambesons exist for a reason. Stuff like this may look cute, but don’t try to move in it.
Ah. That . . . explains things.
There are some excellent leather workers that can make leather look like metal. In this case it looks like magical metal. It’s great stuff for a sexy outfit, but not good for anything other than looking sexy.
You will understand if I don’t ask my wife to make herself this outfit. I’m still trying to figure how the “bra” part(s) go on. It looks as if one has to materialize into it.
See my above comment for what her reaction may be. That said, the incident I’m referencing apparently got pretty bad (I wasn’t actually present for it, but her reaction was telling).
Red is the hottest genie yet.