# 72 Gift of Gab 3
Hey kids, we had a very busy, yet enjoyable, few days until, the Bach-mann caught a nasty bug and his “bach” became worse then his bite.
BUGS – he hates them!
Thanks to those of you still here, for bearing with us and continuing to vote! We appreciate the support and understanding.
We sincerely hope it was worth the wait,
Shhadow & BACH-MANN
Holly has brain damage…? (I think, cause girl talk sometimes confuses me)
No, Holly was relating the dream and they *think* she has brain damage. ‘Cause, you know, nobody, not even a Gamer, ever dreams that kinda stuff….
Brain damage, probably not. Saachi seems to think it’s a concussion, which is *possible* with the bump on the head Holly took, but unlikely to cause permanent brain damage. She’ll probably even be able to spell “concussion” correctly when she’s had some rest. 😉 As long as it’s not repeated and severe concussion it will get better.
Gotta remember here, we’re hearing this from a tween girl with a dramatic imagination.
As long as you’re not Concusted. 😉 or visiting Colma. ;D
My one daughter reading this keeps saying that Saachi sounds just like some of the girls she goes to school with. Except none of them game (Daughter thinks that they don’t have enough grey material).
Now see what you did!
Thanks for the double set of panels.
You’re welcome.
Not to be rude, but there is no ‘T’ is concussion. Similarly, “concustion” should probably be changed to “concussive.” Also, there is no ‘L’ in “coma.”
It’s not rude, it’s just Saachi. 🙂
Yeah, like a lot of people she’s using the wrong words for what she’s trying to say.
My guess, when I heard her say them, was that she’s heard the words spoken but never seen them written.
Spelling is variable when translating from bimbeese to regular English.
So, no waking up with a kiss?
I’ll never understand why people who catch nasty bugs don’t just let them go.
And, wow, let’s talk rude! ‘Bolance drivers who won’t let MFPITWWWs ride with their colma patients. Jeez.
Love the tongue in frame 3.
Saachi, I know you’re worried, but you’re scaring Melvin. so please, calm down, take a slow, calm, deep breath in, slowly breathe out, and relax.
Ha ha ha, telling a teen girl to slow down and breath, you’re funny!
As to Melvin, it’s a crucial part of his training that he doesn’t let other people’s histrionics scare him. He must be the rock for everyone else, because if he gets upset, they’ll get upset even worse. And that’s not a magical thing, that’s a leadership thing.
It could be a disastrous thing too. In that he a fairly mighty wizard and he could inadvertently do all kinds of damage if he start to arbitrarily wish for anything and everything under the sun for. He having a hard enough time dealing with daydream wishing that he never intended to really wish being granted.
That kind of the down side of having this much power, you can cause things to happen that you never wanted to happen.
Melvin may soon wish that he never ever had this power too and the consequences that go this power.
I notice that he hasn’t wish Saachi to shut up.
he has enough problems as it is. besides, I’ve helped another girl calm down and breathe. so why can’t i do that with Saachi?
Depends on the circumstances.
Saachi isn’t at this moment in a crisis; she’s performing.
Also, Melvin has no problems at this moment. But as he grows as a wizard, people will start looking to him to fix their problems in a crisis.
Again: Melvin must learn to be the rock others can depend on. Cool, unflappable, steady. Plus the magical aspects Larry mentions upthread.
The problem with fixing something with magic is that it has to changes something in the real world to something else, which would start a chain reaction of everything else needing to be changed down line so that the original wish can happen.
In other words, it changes all reality to a new form of reality that didn’t exist before that magic was used to change reality in the first place. Which will cause a terrible mess, that needs to clean up in the future.
Example: I changed my brother into being my sister and now only I remember that my sister use to be my brother. When I refer to my sister as my brother, I sound like I am talking crazy to everyone else and I sound like a real nut job too.
So when you try to straighten this mess out, I know my brother wanted to be a boy and I know my sister wanted to be girl. So how do you honor, my bother wishes be a boy or do my honor your sister wishes to be a girl. You can’t honor both of there request to be both a boy and girl at the same time, because both request violates the other free will or free choice at the same time, because, they can’t both happen. Or if you will, this is the classic paradox where two things can’t both happen at the same time, because if the one happen, the other can’t happened and vs for the other.
I think, this is what Kazam is warning Melvin about. You can find yourself in a no win situation real quick and be forced into a compromised situation that you didn’t get into or be apart of.
Not sure if being able to summon a Warhammer out of the neither qualifies as brain damage.
it all depends on the dream, and the dreamer. trust me.
If you’ll recall, Holly fell to the ground when Melvin wished her to sleep. Saachi said she had a knot on her head when they found her.
not really, it was when he tried to teleport her by saying “teleportation” that caused her to land on her head. she was k.o. after that.