Hey kids, a new chronicle begins! So, grab your Haversacks, your rations, and oats for the horses! We ride out on Thursday!
While you’re sharpening your swords and lashing that extra quiver to you saddle, remember to vote!
BACH-MANN & Shhadow
Soo, who’s that genie-looking guy on the right?
Lord Guano from “Jeanniebottle?”
A much handsomer genie than Lord Shithead.
Different headgear, different color clothes (and skin, but Rudd’s skin colors have always been odd). Younger appearance.
This may be a matter of style, but I won’t be surprised either way.
Worth noting that Kazom has had dealings with Guano in the past.
His eyes look similar to Kazom’s it could be how Kazom looked as a younger genie.
Ooh, good catch. And I think his ears are kinda pointy, too.
Melvin the Magician! It sounds well, too!
That sound like an interesting combination Genie and Magician. That should generate some interesting situation and complication as time goes on. I see a lot of trouble coming down the pike too.
I love the little addition to Red’s shirt.
Just remember that a Princess is a future Queen, and the Queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard . . .
So she will become an anti-queen?
A princess is a child of King, which may or may not lead to being a Queen.
Once again, Red is close to BJ. I won’t be surprised if these two end up as an item. (Kinda hope they do.)
One comment on Melvin’s costume: By long tradition, the broom (aka “besom”) is pretty much a female witch accessory. There are claims that witches in the Middle Ages used broomsticks to apply hallucinogenic ointments based on ergot to their nether mucous membranes, a route of administration that alleviated some of the more undesirable side effects of actually eating the stuff. Males not only lack adequate mucosal surface area to make this effective, but dancing about with a wooden stick between their legs is likely to cause painful injury.
The pointed hat is also associated with female witches, by the way, although the origin of that tradition is obscure. (But see Prof. Wiki.)
Well, the wizards in the Harry Potter series certainly ride broomsticks if only to play Quiddich (sp?). And the “chosing hat” was basically a well worn old pointed hat. So at least in popular culture of witches and wizards and the like it’s not unheard of for males to have/use those witchy tropes.
Modern popular culture, anyway; HP is especially influential, but also especially suspect in my mind.
Before then, the popular image was that witches were female, and wizards were males. (True, the males also wore pointed hats, but ones without brims. And they had stars and crescent moons on them. No, really, Micky Mouse wore one in Fantasia, and Disney would never lie to us. Ever.)
(Of course, there’s always the Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 toy–said to be quite popular amongst girls because it vibrated. Which matches up oddly with the alleged origin story of witches’ brooms in the first place. )
Any one know how these would be rated?