Holly is Melvin's crush. After the genie incident, Holly is aware that Melvin likes her, but there is a little too much strangeness surrounding Melvin and his friends for Holly's liking.
Well, she is holding her quarter staff in her left in panel two. Plus I see a shovel sticking out of her pack there, so I’d say she isn’t unarmed. I’m sure she can handle a couple witch demons. 🙂
The return of Holly.
Luckily, she’s armed, right?
Well, she is holding her quarter staff in her left in panel two. Plus I see a shovel sticking out of her pack there, so I’d say she isn’t unarmed. I’m sure she can handle a couple witch demons. 🙂
I doubt if Dick would waist his time on an simple BO STAFF. That stick has to have something else going on. Maybe to control two puppies.
Look at the colours, it looks like an oversized wand