235: All a Part of the Set!
on February 25, 2025
at 11:22 PM
Chapter: Journey to the Cave of Wonders
Characters: Dick Knight, Melvin Clark
Location: The Cave of Wonders
Three cheers for the return of Mel! But what in the world is Dick up to…?
looks like Mel is missing the powerful pink ring. Though the panties might be even more powerful in the long run. Dick would never suspect their hidden enchantments.
Panties of Protection?
I used to play D&D a long time ago and I got two adult oriented rule books, one called The Book of Erotic Fantasy and the other Naughty and Dice. I don’t remember which one had it listed, but there was a magic item called (if I remember right) Panties of Chastity. They were indestructible and only the wearer could remove them, thereby protecting her virtue.
Would have been more fun if only someone ELSE could remove them. (Hijinks ensue…)
Sounds like a magic item out of Munchkin.
Perhaps there was some residual succubus power in the pink ring when Mel tried it on. Power like that is effective against the Djinn.
That’s got to be the tiniest pair of panties on record.
Now what’s gotten into Dickhead? It’s not his style to act even semi-human.
I’m thinking supernaturally stretchy, soft, and supple. Like not wearing anything at all, painted on. That would definitely go with the rest of the sexy outfit that a horny witch would keep in her wardrobe hat. Dick was just being through, who knows what powerful magic they could have been hiding.
I think he wants the book Mel brought with
himher. Thomas Clark’s book.Hunh. Sneaky-he claims that’s Clark’s so he grabs the cursed treasure thinking he made it when it truth the thing is meant to bind him to Dick so he’s bound to the punished genie, or something along those lines…
So I recognise the hat, glasses, choker, earrings, skirt broach, and stilettos, as well as a pair of panties, but what is that ring object just behind the stilettos?
Necklace? Although previously she was wearing a choker.
Maybe it’s a magical diaphragm.
Or it’s related to the totem ring.
It’s a magical cock ring, silly. Adjusts itself to fit anyone.
When not in use that way, doubles as a hair tie. 😉
It would have to be a hair tie seeing as Mel is sans penis at the moment. Although Mel previously didn’t have her hair tied up at all. Hopefully we find out next week.
And when is next week exactly? 😐
I just looked back over the comics to when Mel got her new clothes and I noticed on page 224 that the hat gave her full pantyhose. So that begs the question; “How did Dick get Mel’s panties off without removing the pantyhose?”. Because in that comic we can see the other items have been removed.
Did he just poof them off?
Obviously Dick used his evil rapey tentacles to
assaultremovethe pantiesall the enchanted items.Why does he have to have not removed Mel’s pantyhose? Seems reasonable that he stripped her completely, took the enchanted items, then put the mundane clothes back on her body.
Wait.. he strips her, then puts the rest of the clothes back on her ??
Somehow, that just doesn’t seems like a ‘Richard’-type thing to do. Too demure-minded.
Considering that he was apparently planning to put Melvin back in Mel’s body (remember, he was separate from her the last time we saw these two together), it was probably a “I don’t want to freak out the teenage boy with female nudity” ploy.
Those were the same panties demon Red had on, on page # 200.
Similar, but not the same. Mel’s have one red diamond shape on them while Red’s have three purple ovals, purple trim across the top, and a string of jewels around the sides.
probably the same manufacture and designer.
That’d be one hell of a resume entry: “Magical Lingerie Designer”. I wonder what that pays?
It could be a good sideline career for Mel. With help from the others. 😀
That tonight is an update night…
Not holding my breath though…