Bunny No More…
Indeed Mel, what a mess! Thanks for lending your talent to make it more bearable!
Okay guys, real talk, the delay this time went way beyond my control. The latest page, one that was to be big enough to cover for all the “oddities” you may have noticed in the last couple of weeks…
Well, I completely lost that page, due to file corruption. Virtually nothing could be saved, forcing me to start over from scratch. This corruption just happened last night, so the “starting from scratch” part will take some time… since this page was actually BIG! Now, Mel’s power alone can’t make up for all these delays (I think… she is very powerful, tho), as corrupted files or not, this page was already running very late.
So, I wanted to clear up a couple of things about the wait for the actual page: Yes, throughout April we went for a little “joke” arc, in case anyone had doubts about it. Which means that sadly, no, Mel and the rest of the girls (and BJ) didn’t turn into busty bunnygirls. That doesn’t mean the past couple of pages weren’t canon, tho. All the lines regarding the Lesser Keys of Solomon, and Red’s deal with the mysterious fairy, those are canon. Part of the lost page involved a removal of the “bunny filter” that had been applied to the previous pages, but this is the only thing I was able to save from it:
So yeah, the last couple of weeks weren’t a complete waste of time nor a complete jump of the shark (I hope), just a more “appealing” yet sadly unsustainable way to present the story (those suits aren’t cheap).
I hope you guys had some fun still, and sorry for extending the joke longer than was probably necessary. It may take me some time get the lost work back, so we are taking one more week of break so I can fix the schedule after this setback, since I realize that I’ve been falling behind for some weeks now. I will have a little follow up for this picture to make up for that in the meantime, but we should be back to the main story on June 1.
I know this has essentially been an unannounced Hiatus, but I’ll work on getting the schedule back in order now. Also, for those interested, I will post an “unkittied” version of this picture on Patreon next week with a couple of extras, so look out for that!… If you’re interested, of course.
Take your time and get everything fixed up, I’ve waited longer for other webcomics to update.
… file corruption? Those image editing programs should start learning from databases and version control systems.
Agreed. Especially since Adobe’s animation software, Animate, automatically does exactly what would have saved Hollum’s work (I know because I use it when I copy edit for Sapphirefoxx). Yet Photoshop, which is made by the SAME COMPANY, doesn’t do that. WHY??
Robert, it’s because Photoshop way predates Animate, and trying to go back and retrofit-in versioning auto-save would be a Herculean task. Sorry, but in the software business, sometimes you get stuck having to live with yesterday’s oversights.
I highly doubt it’d be that hard. They recently changed the Save As dialog in Photoshop (and made it so much worse that their customer’s subsequent negative feedback forced them to add an option to restore the original), so they obviously *can* add new functionality to the save workflow.
Yeah, but like anything else, it’s a matter of how much return you get for your time & expense. Sure, you can do nearly anything, but is it worth the effort?
Remember, versioning auto-save isn’t just called upon when you drop down a ‘File’ menu. You’d have to call it every time any change in the work was made, no matter how small, even just a single keystroke or mouse click. So it would be a modification that would be pervasive throughout the whole code base, unless provision for something like that had been designed in from the start. Possible, sure, but a huge task.
You most certainly would not need to do that. In fact, it’d be a horrible idea, because it would suck down gigantic amounts of CPU resources and disk lifetimes. It takes my nearly-brand-new computer about a second to save the usual JeanieBottle PSDs (CD draws them at a MUCH higher resolution than we release them at). Imagine having a background process that takes an entire second run every time you make *any* change…
The way Animate’s backup system works is that every time you save successfully, it then copies the saved file to another file in the same folder, prefixed with “RECOVER_” (it then deletes that file when you successfully close the project). That way, if something goes wrong during the next save, the RECOVER file isn’t corrupted. It’s only as new as your previous save, but that’s better than the sole copy of the file being unrecoverable.
And that would be absolutely *trivial* for Adobe to implement into Photoshop.
It used to be that databases couldn’t do versioning, either. We’re spoiled, these days.
Aww, you should leave it cannon, Call it a temporary joke from Pinky or something and move on. 🙂
The best-laid plans of bunnies and cartoonists often go askew. Relax and keep on keeping on. 🙂