Eh, not too surprised. Colours add a lot of time to the process, and can definitely be a strain when you still have a career outside of the comic. I don’t really mind, a number of other comics I read have had to make similar changes, simply to keep from burning out.
I appreciate your understanding. The idea is to turn this into my day job. That way colours aren’t such a big deal, time can be devoted to more content. It will be covered when we post the “just a dollar” campaign, that is to be posted soon.
Well, I will miss the colored panels, but can understand the extra costs in time and materials. I just hope that there will still be that occasional color panel for the really important strips and as treats.
Howdy, Bach-Mann! Long time lurker here. I understand the need to go black&white, it´s normal. I may suggest to try gray tones, far easier to handle than color. Webcomics like “El Goonish Shive” and “Between Failures” have used it to good effect. It´s only an idea, but maybe worth a try? Cheers!
Eh, that’s okay. I wanna see the future of this comic regardless of rather it has color or not :3 . This new story arc seems interesting too. Keep ‘er goin’!
If this announcement comment is a good representation of how your black-and-white comics will look in the future, I think I’d prefer it stay this way and not go back to colour at all. I think it looks better like this. The linework has always been strong and the colours just seem to take away from it in my opinion. I can’t really explain why, but something about it has always always seemed a bit “off” to me. Your character designs are strong enough that they should still be pretty clear even in black-and-white, so it’s not like you need colour as a crutch like some artists do.
I could be biased, though; I’m just a fan of good linework in general, so I’m happy to see more of that kind of work, regardless of my opinion of the colours. I like the high-contrast style and appreciate good hatching.
I’m fine with this. I’d much rather see a comic lose a little bit of quality than see the whole thing get abandoned as I’ve seen far too many good web comics do in the past.
Prior navy here. 60 shades of gray aren’t so bad, it works well for other comics and navy vessels. Toss in some color for enhancement every now and then and you’re good. It work for Sin City. I am wondering if Melvin could end up in the American Military Magicians Organization or AMMO for short. Nothing like magic support when mundane ordnance doesn’t work.
Well, whoever REALLY ABSOLUTELY needs to see it in color, raise hands.
(insert generic cricket sounds)
Yeah, don’t worry, it won’t matter at all. Not to me, and not to anybody else that likes the comic.
So, assuming that this announcement is serious. what is the preferred channel for donations? The Patreon account?
Looks like we have to pay for our colours for now on.
Eh, not too surprised. Colours add a lot of time to the process, and can definitely be a strain when you still have a career outside of the comic. I don’t really mind, a number of other comics I read have had to make similar changes, simply to keep from burning out.
I appreciate your understanding. The idea is to turn this into my day job. That way colours aren’t such a big deal, time can be devoted to more content. It will be covered when we post the “just a dollar” campaign, that is to be posted soon.
Well, I will miss the colored panels, but can understand the extra costs in time and materials. I just hope that there will still be that occasional color panel for the really important strips and as treats.
I will try to treat you here and there. 😉
Howdy, Bach-Mann! Long time lurker here. I understand the need to go black&white, it´s normal. I may suggest to try gray tones, far easier to handle than color. Webcomics like “El Goonish Shive” and “Between Failures” have used it to good effect. It´s only an idea, but maybe worth a try? Cheers!
Thank you all! You are the best. 😉
Eh, that’s okay. I wanna see the future of this comic regardless of rather it has color or not :3 . This new story arc seems interesting too. Keep ‘er goin’!
I for one will continue reading this comic, colored or not.
If this announcement comment is a good representation of how your black-and-white comics will look in the future, I think I’d prefer it stay this way and not go back to colour at all. I think it looks better like this. The linework has always been strong and the colours just seem to take away from it in my opinion. I can’t really explain why, but something about it has always always seemed a bit “off” to me. Your character designs are strong enough that they should still be pretty clear even in black-and-white, so it’s not like you need colour as a crutch like some artists do.
I could be biased, though; I’m just a fan of good linework in general, so I’m happy to see more of that kind of work, regardless of my opinion of the colours. I like the high-contrast style and appreciate good hatching.
We are (or at least I am) here for the story more than for the colors anyway.
I’m fine with this. I’d much rather see a comic lose a little bit of quality than see the whole thing get abandoned as I’ve seen far too many good web comics do in the past.
Prior navy here. 60 shades of gray aren’t so bad, it works well for other comics and navy vessels. Toss in some color for enhancement every now and then and you’re good. It work for Sin City. I am wondering if Melvin could end up in the American Military Magicians Organization or AMMO for short. Nothing like magic support when mundane ordnance doesn’t work.
Well, whoever REALLY ABSOLUTELY needs to see it in color, raise hands.
(insert generic cricket sounds)
Yeah, don’t worry, it won’t matter at all. Not to me, and not to anybody else that likes the comic.