#111 Guano?
Hey gang, I guess all you have to do to get ahead in the world is defeat a powerful mystical being…eh, oh well.
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Did it involve a vacuum cleaner?
That dirt-eating piece of slime, he’s a scum-sucking pig.
O key, now we get the low down on what happened and who all the players are and who did what. This should take awhile to go through all those detailes.
“Young” is apparently a relative term for Genies, given that Guano is Araceli’s uncle, and she spent I-forget-how-many-centuries in her bottle (AT LEAST long enough that she was unfamiliar with the concept of moving pictures, so 1890-ish at the very most recent). This implies that Guano is certainly at least two hundred years old.
Araceli was trapped in her bottle for just over 100 years, prior to bottle being found by the Geek fishermen.
Bear in mind, though, that an uncle need not be older than a niece. Guano could be the much younger brother of one of Araceli’s parents. And as long as genies live, “much younger” could be quite a few centuries. So he might in fact be a lot younger than she is, and still be her uncle.
Guano-as-genie-lord does carry himself more like a middle-aged man in the “present”, even though in the 1969 scenes he looks and acts a bit more youthful. (For sanity’s sake, I am going to assume that the events of IDOAJB begin the same year that the comic started, unless CD says otherwise).
Wow… lot a hate on for Guano…
Well, Guano hasn’t done much to make himself popular. Being polite to Rouyaa was kind of his high point.
He seems to dislike Guano a lot more than he did in I dream of Jeanie where he was more amused at the trouble Jeanie might cause him and I think considered it a valuable lesson for him.
The real question here is how backstabbing Kazom and nearly allowing the Witches’ Council to enact their plan leads to him being chosen as Kazom’s successor. Unless the truth is being hidden from Haji, I can’t see how this act would meet with Haji’s approval.
Little known fact, Genies and witches don’t usually get along. Kazom is kind of an exception to that.
Which is exactly why doing something that would aid the Witches’ Council (i.e. trying to let them get their hands on the Tome) should have been met with disapproval . . . unless of course Haji was kept ignorant of that tidbit.
Um, Bach-mann? Spelling… “Fist off” -> First off, and “promissing” -> promising
I’ve been told that “Son of a Donkey” is an arabic insult so we’re in the right region; so perhaps “Misbegotten Son of a Diseased Donkey” may be a better insult than “Son of a Motherless Goat”
Just a thought 🙂
Son of a motherless goat is a classic! I can not for the life of me remember where it is from, but it is one of the best insults ever!
I’ve read that it’s origin was “The Three Amigos” as delivered by Steve Martin.
Perhaps we have a cross over in the works 🙂
That sounds about right. I do hear it in his voice when I see it written. Loved that movie!
Aren’t they supposed to be fixing up Red?
Unless I missed something they prefer her as a girl.
I take it that the involvement of Lord Shit-Head here could very well be yet another opportunity for the stories of The Melvin Chronicles and I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle to intersect ;D .
A reference to the 3 Amigos, Son of a motherless goat. Just skipping around a bit, I’m still abandoning this comic.