First Scene: 26: The Realm of Hypnos
Apologies, as always, for the delay, it has been quite a busy week for me, and in fact, the schedule has been compromised already. I am afraid the MC will come back to a one page per week schedule. I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
75: Dreamy Cameos!
After many months of planning, and the time never quite being right, we’ve finally reached the cameo page Carlos promised a while back, on the discord server! From left to right, we’ve got: Crystal, who belongs to CD Hama belongs[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yet more cameos, today! In panel 3, we’ve got Rose as Emily, and in panel 4 she’s taken the shape of Jake the Peasant’s character, Amy.
77: My Fair Lady
For those confused, as I was, the first part of the comic is a flashback. The last panel is Rose assuming the form of this newly-introduced former mistress of Kazom’s.
79: Unconscious Jealousy
Remember 27 pages ago, when Nellah was looking for Kazom to try to bring him to the meeting of the Witch Council? That was a while ago… 🙂
So Raven has finally arrived at the council meeting. Besides Kazom, I wonder if anyone else is yet to arrive?
93: Kazom Gets an Earful
See. told you there wasn’t anything to worry about in terms of the hiatus schedule. 🙂 Also, mostly-human Nella is very cute. Though this form is apparently specific to Hypnos.
Sorry this one was a day late, folks. Hollum’s been having severe power problems recently, which is not at all conducive to creating a digital comic.
Carlos decided to do a little 4th wall breaking with today’s title. For those who might not recall, page 90 of I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle was Melvin’s introduction.
Sorry for the delay folks, internet issues as is usually the case with me. At leas we didn’t have to wait a century or two (and still going) like poor Nellah here… not like she is waiting sitting.
Hey, would you look at this? It’s a Melvin Chronicles page that actually came out on time! Who’da thunk it, right?? Also, wow! I just realized that this is PAGE 100 of Carlos’s work on Melvin Chronicles! That’s awesome!
Well, it seems the cat is out of the bag. Now the question is, what will the cat do? Also, just wanted to share this quick, public poll, for the Halloween piece for this year, please take a look and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
103: The Secret Deal 1
Word spreads fast in the Witch community. Southeil’s board of teachers knew about Tiffany the very same night Jeanie poofed her into existence.