Red’s First Steps: Page 20
We here at Melvin Chronicles must apologize for the extreme delay of this page. Hollum’s internet has been essentially completely down for weeks, which doesn’t affect his ability to make comics, but it does affect his ability to send them to me for editing and posting. We finally managed to work out a solution.
As an apology for this delay, here’s Red in Red, looking very fine in high resolution.
I’m gonna need a bucket of Ice Water for Henry, and the El Kabonger Grande for Mary.
Mary is defiantly a women that won’t let a good opportunity pass her by even if it means that she has to put her own son up to take it. If Mary won’t so cold about it to do this and didn’t even try to fix things before coming to this conclusion, then I might kind of sorta accept it as an attempt to make the best of a bad situation. But, Mary doesn’t even make the attempt to make the correct moves here to do right thing. She is the ice lady, when it come to serving her own agenda.
in that case, what should i use.. to teach Mary a lesson?
Using that horses quick draw mac draw El Kabonger on her would be a good start. But, once Mary has made up her mind as to what she want to do, she not going to be changing it even if there are consequences to her actions.
Using the El Kabonger on her would only make us feel better and that it. Yes, she got what she deserves, El Kabonger her again. But, your going to be using up a lot of El Kabonger on her trying to teach her a lesson, that all I have to say about this matter.
So that’s how Red got forced into show buisness
I’m surprised that Red is able to stand in those high heels as well as she has, she’s a natural.
A star in the making.
So now we start the process of transforming Clarence into Tiffany a movie star and modal. I am not going over again everything that Mary has to achieve her goal of making Clarence into a female called Tiffany again. Let just say that she has a really big arsenal of weapons at her disposal to use.
The rise of a star with the amounts of cash Tiffany could make with her acting and modeling career, going back to Clarence seems redundant. Plus all the magic experiments/exposer she has Melvin do could theoretically mess with her head making her to slowly accept her situation she is in. She’d sort of end up like the very thing that did this to her, a certain Genie whom in her own story effectively gave up the prospect of being a guy again within like at least 3 days
The actual giving up of going back to being a mortal man was one to two weeks, but, complete and total acceptance of being a female genie, In Jeanie case, it was a slow leaking process of becoming a girl genie over almost a year period for that to happen.
I would expect a similar time frame or maybe longer for that to happen to Clarence when it come to transforming her into Tiffany. Remember that Clarence was 15 year old with Jeanie transformed him into a girl so that Marvin could practice talking to a girl. Clarence is in the 9th grade and will be in school for three years before she graduates from high school, so Mary has at least three year or maybe four years to work Clarence over and turn him into Tiffany and Mary has the ambition and resources at her command to do it too.
I have already mentioned it several times before and I am not going to do it again, but, there an accumulative effect of magic and just being a girl that Tiffany is going to be going through that will break him down as a guy and rebuild him into a girl. In a year or two, he may see himself as girl and may even prefer to stay a girl, because, she has become more comfortable being a girl than being a guy and she may identify herself as a girl now and even like it. It now going to happen all at once, it will be one piece at a time. Right now, we are dealing with the first piece of the puzzle to finishing the transformation of Clarence into Tiffany. That is to get Henry accept Clarence being Tiffany or name change and imposing Tiffany into an all girl environment, the Southeil all girl high school will do very nicely for that purpose and then keep pressing down her to achieve her goal of getting Tiffany to be her daughter and not her son. Mary may be successful in doing this, but, Tiffany will remember it and she will probably hate Mary for doing this to her too.
Are you the author of this comic or are you just speculating? Your limited English makes it difficult to discern. I’m asking because you seem awfully certain about things that have yet to be written or revealed. Your assertion of a cumulative effect of magic is intriguing but may not be canon.
Oh, and I am not criticizing you for having limited English skills, some people are just better a languages than others, and I find most people who criticize someone for being inarticulate in their second language aren’t particularly articulate in their first.
I do give the Kings English hell don’t I. But, English is my native languages. I am a speculator that does his arithmetic to figure out what is logical and line up with cannon or at least a reasonable time line.
One person put the idea that the teen Jean got the teen Mary pregnant. No, there too big of time difference between those two and Mary on the west coast. When Jeanie became a genie, we are told that she was 23 year old and when she when into the past to meet her younger self, she was probably year older.
So how old is Mary? We are told that she about 18 old when she get pregnant at Shoutheit all girls school. Clarence is 15 year old when Jeanie go to genie school at Melvin house. So that would make Mary at least 33 years old, 18+15= 33 years old and year later, would be 34 years old when Jeanie does her time trip. How old is Clarence right now, he 10 years old right now when Jeanie goes to Cincinnati, Tiffany is 16 year old and 6 away and he or she is 10 years old. We are also told that when Clarence was about 8 year old that when Mary get Helga as a housekeeper to take care of Clarence for her and also about this time Mary developing a relationship with Henry too.
If that guy is still pushing the idea of Jean being he guy that got Mary pregnant? Absolutely not, Jean didn’t have the opportunity to do it.
I think I understand where you’re coming from here. It makes total sense.
Clarence was a boy. Suddenly, they’re a girl with the belief that they’re just a boy in a girl’s body. Mary intends to indoctrinate her son into becoming her daughter & altering those beliefs with direct, prolonged action until it sticks. It’s hard to give up what’s forced on you when you’re now somewhat comfortable with it, regardless of how traumatizing & devastating. We adapt too well to the changes in our lives.
how did Red know about the Time Travel bit?! has she been reading the latest JeanieBottle Comics?!
That’s the thing. Red didn’t know for sure. She doubted she could reasonably extrapolate Jeanie’s magic capability from being able to switch chromosomes to jumping to time travel, hence her comment on that being dumb. Clearly Jeanie is very much capable of both & much more unbeknownst to Red.
Mary likely knows what Jeanie is from her history with magic education, hence her dismissal to seeking out a careless, selfish, & reality altering threat that can’t be guaranteed to be reasoned with anyway.
We should consider that Mary knows the situation. But, we should also consider that Mary actually like the situation that she in right now and actually doesn’t want it to be changing and so she is throwing all kinds of roadblock in the way to stop any effort to turn Tiffany back into Clarence. Mary want Clarence to be a girl and not a guy.
Can’t reply to Larry directly, so I’m gonna reply this way xD.
It’s true, Mary has no desire to get her son back, just the opposite actually. She’s trying to persuade Henry through manipulation to her side with legitimate reasons to see things her way. Concerns clearly stained in personal bias against Clarence & Henry’s wishes, but legitimate concerns nonetheless. She may not know Jeanie personally, but she’s still capable of being a threat, to both Mary’s actual goals & to her family’s safety all the same, & she’s playing into that likelihood to deescalate the threat Henry poses while on Clarence’s side here. The appeal to reason seemed to work, & Clarence has been isolated & forced to accept the path Jeanie, Mary, & Henry forged. What a lousy deck of cards stacked against them, huh? So much for family bonds.