229: A Mother’s Pride
Well well… I wonder how Mary’s doing that…
And for those who don’t recall what Kazom is futilely trying to pry open, check out Panel 3 on Page 150.
Well well… I wonder how Mary’s doing that…
And for those who don’t recall what Kazom is futilely trying to pry open, check out Panel 3 on Page 150.
I believe that *snap* is Eashiqa losing control of Red’s leash.
Yeah, it’s right next to the red “handcuff” on her arm breaking open.
Is this the first time we have seen the tramp stamp on tiffany’s back?
I’m pretty sure that’s not a tattoo.
Nope, it’s been visible a few times on earlier pages. I think when we first saw her in that pink dress she was wearing for a bit.
Is Tiffany’s mother controlling her?
No, I think she is just scrying on her.
Yeah, that was the impression that I got.
Scrying is usually active. This seems like passive ability.
The triumphant return of Ida!
Hm – That’s an interesting birthmark in the small of Tiffany’s back. I wonder when that first appeared.
Hard to say. Red’s almost always drawn facing the audience (for 2 obvious reasons), and the few times her back is shown, her hair extends all the way down to her butt. I believe it was first clearly visible on page 228.
I wonder if it is indicative of Pinky’s presence. I feel certain Red doesn’t know it is there.
It’s visible at least as early as page 211: https://melvin.jeaniebottle.com/?comic=211-beware-of-fighting-cats
Thanks Robert, yeah, that just reinforces my belief that it is indicative of Pinky’s presence. After all, it is a Pink heart. Further, it appears to have gotten bigger. I wonder if that is just a change in Hollum’s art style or if it means that Pinky’s influence over Red is increasing. Based on this comic, I’m going with the latter.
Is there a reason why Mary calls Ida “Dai”? If so I missed it.
Kazom and Nellah really do have a Doctor/River Song vibe, don’t they? I half expect her to tell him “Spoilers!”
That’s a good question! I have a theory… but based on some conversations with Hollum, I think it may be close enough to the truth to count as spoilers, so I’ll stay mum.
Robert, have you confirmed this isn’t just a dyslexic typo?
It’s not a typo. I even made sure to let Robert know, before giving him the file for proof reading!
Well, “Dai” is an anagram of “Ida”… maybe it’s a sort of joking nickname?
Considering the number of men turned into women in the greater IDOAJB ‘verse (whether by Jean, another genie/magic-user, or simply random magical accident), there’s a decent chance Ida is one such individual. There’s a decent number of common traditionally-male names that start with Dai in Japanese, for instance.
Yeah, but witches and genie don’t usually mix, according to Kazom, so it’s likely that Ida has some witch-ly connection to Mary.